Monday, April 07, 2008

Hooray for Beer!

Clark just sent me this link noting that this is the 75th anniversary of the relegalization of beer in the United States.

Also, I just got this message from the good folks at St. Arnold's:

It was 75 years ago today,
FDR thought we'd gone astray.
The economy was at a nadir,
And nobody could enjoy a beer.
So he modified the Volstead Act,
Prohibition shall not remain intact,
"Beer must be allowed!"
The cheers in response were loud.
Away with the legacy of Carrie Nation,
Toasted people with their favorite libation.

On April 7, 1933, beer was again legalized. It was not until 8 months later that the entire Volstead Act was repealed allowing for the sale of wine and liquor.

So raise a Saint Arnold this evening and toast to the 75th anniversary of beer being legalized again!

MONDAY, APRIL 7, Ginger Man, 6pm- Saint Arnold Pint Night! Stop in to celebrate the repeal of Prohibition, have a cold Saint Arnold Spring Bock, and get a free pint glass (while they last). BONUS: I will be giving away two(2) prime seats for Ray Romano' show tomorrow night at The Austin Music Hall at this promo-there will be a trivia question, so know your Saint Arnold history!

1 comment:

Bob said...

Amen, brother. A-freakin-men.