Thursday, February 09, 2012

The Answer to Stupid Beer Ads

I've made it quite clear that I think anyone who requests their beer in a "vortex bottle" should be pummeled, or at least asked to leave the bar. And I slap my head every time Miller Lite makes a big deal about (allegedly) putting hops in their beer. If you're sick of really stupid beer ads aimed at people who would couldn't find a good beer if they got locked up overnight inside the Ginger Man, then check out Breckenridge's new ad campaign. Here's one of the ads below; click here for more.


Sarah said...

Love it, love it!

Anonymous said...

Man, that guy is BORING.

Adam said...

That video is hysterical.

Mike Burns said...

I don't really get the point of this ad. I know they're trying to be funny and sarcastic but I don't think this video ads any value to their brand. The one for Lucky U IPA that makes fun of Coors is quite good though.